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Why speak in a sweeter tone?

Remembering what I had learned when I was in school. Just revisiting some good learning which I did not understand fully at the time, though it was so simple.

बानी ऐसी बोलिये, मन का आपा खोय।
औरन को सीतल करै, आपहु सीतल होय॥

This couplet from poet Rahim refers to the way we talk to others.

It says – Speak in a tone that lets the others lose their heart to you. Such a tome that calms others and calms yourself too.

It seems more relevant in today’s time, when the shrill in the voices we hear everyday is increasing and the personal, professional and social frustrations are on the rise.

When our tone rises in anger, instead of justifying our expressions, we should try to pause for a moment and try to turn the tone, to a sweeter one.

We can at-least try to that that…

Can we?
🎯👆What matters is what you think, what you envision, what you believe.

No one else is traveling your journey but you.

When you are over-concerned for the approval of others in fulfilling your life purpose, you will be undoing yourself.

Self approval should be desired. Waiting on people to approve your action will paralyze you from taking effective action.

No good thing wants it to be achieved. A knockdown is not a knock out! Determination wins!

Continue to continue if you’re on a just course. Press on, dont be discouraged.

Keep on keeping on till you are victorious.

Have a great day!🐾⛹🏼‍♀🏊🏻‍♀🏇🏼🏌🏻‍♀🤺🤾‍♀💪🏼💐😊

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